Just as Railsbank co-founder and CEO Nigel Verdon was finishing off a business tour of Asia, which took in Money 20:20Asia in Singapore and the Inteahouse Conference in China, Railsbank came away with a prestigious InvestHK award at The UK FinTech Awards on 20th March.
The competition was fierce, with companies taking part from the UK, Singapore, Australia and Ireland.
Railsbank’s award includes a complimentary booth and ticket for Hong Kong Fintech Week, as well as support from both the Hong Kong and London offices of InvestHK.
Nigel said: “Railsbank aims to build a global digital transaction bank by connecting local banking partners to its platform. It has a global vision and aspires to connect customers in the Southeast Asia via Hong Kong partner banks.”
Charles d’Haussy, Head of Fintech for InvestHK, said: “We are excited to see how the Awards connect top UK talent with the rapid Fintech development in Hong Kong. Many of them match well with the strong Fintech sectors of Hong Kong, such as RegTech, InsurTech, blockchain and CreditTech. We strongly encourage ambitious companies like Railsbank to join the flourishing Fintech scene in Hong Kong for their business expansion in Asia.”
Picture shows
From left to right: Brad van Leeuwen, Head of Partnerships Railsbank; Chris Keeble, CFO, Railsbank ; Louisa Murray, Head of Trading and Operations, PayrNet and Business Development, Railsbank; Charles D'Haussy, InvestHK